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Set in stone


Watch ‘Who Do You Think You Are?’ or any family history programme and the chances are some of the filming will take place in a cemetery, where the relative finds the grave of a long-departed loved one. The memorial which they find marks somewhere they can pay their respects – making them somehow more real - and often provides some key information about their life and perhaps other relatives.

Choosing a memorial can be a very important part of the bereavement process, as it is a focus for many years to come; somewhere to visit and to remember. At Tester & Jones, we can offer help and guidance whether your requirements are for a new memorial, plaque or headstone for a loved one or the refurbishment of an existing memorial.

The types of memorials you can choose between are wide and include book style, heart style and hand carved memorials. We offer a wide choice of different stones and lettering to create a special memorial to your loved one.

You’ll want to include the name of your loved one – sometimes their formal name and the name they were more commonly known by - their date of birth and death and some words, perhaps a poem. Sometimes our families include a photograph of that special person as well.

To find out more, click here.

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